Looking for a Practitioner to Help with Copper Toxicity?
These are important considerations and questions to ask...
Since launching the www.coppertoxic.com website in 2014 and being at the forefront of bringing copper toxicity education, training, and support to the world over the past decade, it's great to see the increasing number of practitioners now talking about copper toxicity and adding copper toxicity support to their services. However, like with any profession, experience matters!
Having helped personally train many hundreds of today's HTMA and copper-literate practitioners, this is, of course, the work I specialize in (my HTMA service menu is available here). However, as I run an extremely busy practice with clients in addition to all my additional time committed to advocacy, research, and education projects, I'm happy to help people find other qualified practitioners. (I receive countless patient cases landing on my desk each week previously under the care of someone else who were, unfortunately, not properly helped, or in many cases patients who simply ordered the wrong type of HTMA because they assumed all hair analysis was the same. I care that people receive qualified support and guidance from the start. There is, sadly, so much 'nonsense' promoted online, especially when it comes to HTMA and addressing copper toxicity).
No matter who you choose to work with, whether myself or anyone else, this page provides basic yet important considerations to keep in mind (and to ask) when choosing a practitioner.
Do they use HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis)?
If they don't use HTMA, how are they assessing the stored tissue level of copper and other metals???
How many years experience?
Are they looking beyond just copper?
How personalized is their protocol and their attention to each person's bio-individual situation?
Do they have significant conflicts of interest?
Are they able to explain the mental health connections to HTMA patterns?
How do they adjust recommendations between overt vs hidden copper toxicity?
Said another way, watch out for these red flags:
Reliance only on the blood level while ignoring or dismissing HTMA (cell and tissue levels)
A focus on just trying to "detox" or lower copper without considering the body's complete mineral profile.
Product recommendations that come mainly from the same company or are $ incentivized (conflict of interest).
Reading HTMA chart results at face value, or relying solely on lab recommendations without considering individual symptoms, medications, health history, etc.
Specializing in copper toxicity for over a decade, I’ve worked across thousands of patients and have also trained many of today’s HTMA and copper literate practitioners. While I continue to work with new clients, there are certainly other excellent practitioners out there for you to choose from as well. I am familiar with most of those who’d be considered as qualified. However, I am also aware of several (especially in copper support groups) who are making claims of their healing or HTMA expertise that I think warrant a lot more caution. I've dedicated my career to advancing education on copper toxicity and mineral-based health, while also advocating for industry integrity of authentic HTMA (www.htmavirtualsummit.com). I therefore care deeply that, no matter who a person chooses to work with, they receive correct advice and qualified guidance.
Whoever you work with, make sure they are truly experienced. How they answer the above questions will tell you a lot. Also remember, most HTMA practitioners are well-equipped to work remotely. In that sense, more important than geographic location is working with whomever you feel most comfortable with.
Wishing you success in your healing journey!
Rick Fischer
Founder of www.CopperToxic.com
Author of The Complete Copper Toxicity Handbook
Leading Copper Toxicity Researcher, Nutrition Instructor, Clinical HTMA Practitioner, HTMA Instructor
PS: You can explore our various HTMA Service Advantages and what sets us apart, at www.mineralsandhealth.com/advantage
While You're Here... Grab the Free eBook on COPPER TOXICITY
This free eBook, written by one of the world's foremost experts on the topic, includes an introduction to copper toxicity and how to detox, addresses important misconceptions, and provides a basis for getting the support you need for healing.
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