Helping Caregivers and Loved Ones with Understanding, and Navigating the Path Toward Healing
A Letter to Partners of Those Affected by Copper Toxicity
Helping Caregivers and Loved Ones with Understanding, and Navigating the Path Toward Healing
A Letter to Partners of Those Affected by Copper Toxicity
Founder of
If someone you love is being affected by copper toxicity, it can be an extremely difficult time not only for them in understanding what they’re experiencing, but also for you as you watch them struggle with it. They've changed, you see it and feel it. You want to help, or at least understand. Likewise, it's your support and understanding that they need most. This article is to help you, as their partner or loved one, gain a better understanding of what they’re going through, and to help increase the emotional support you’re able to provide to them. This information is particularly important (and primarily written) for partners of women on copper IUDs, since women are so commonly led to believe (and “reassured” by their doctors) that the IUD can’t affect emotions or mental health since the device is non-hormonal. Of course, we know different.
Since minerals influence hormones, a “non-hormonal” IUD can still affect hormone levels…and mood.
The copper IUD is marketed as a “safe”, non-hormonal option for those who’d prefer to avoid hormonal contraception. Of course it’s widely accepted that hormones can (and do) affect mood and emotions, and so if something is marketed as “non-hormonal”, then the underlying message is that mood/emotions won’t be affected. Yet, there is a glaring blind spot with that messaging, and that is this: minerals influence hormones! Copper, especially, has an intimate connection with estrogen. As copper builds up, that can increase estrogen and throw off the body’s natural estrogen/progesterone balance. Equally important to understand is that minerals also interact with each other (in other words, they don’t just act alone). Excess copper accumulation doesn’t just affect copper itself, but can throw off levels of calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, B6 and other nutrients... each of those other imbalances also have their own impacts on mental health!
Now, the deeper specifics of these various resulting imbalances and their effects on emotions and mental health are explained in much more detail within The Complete Copper Toxicity Handbook, also in part on the leading advocacy and support website, plus taught in further depth within the ultimate mineral-based health education program which, to a large extent, serves as a pioneering educational bridge between the fields of nutrition and psychology. In the interest of keeping things simple for this article however, consider that copper affects the very nutrients that support GABA. GABA is our main, calming, neurotransmitter (in other words, it helps keep us calm and plays an important role in keeping anxiety at bay). If there’s an issue with GABA, then there’s a higher risk for anxiety. It is not surprising, therefore, that most people with copper toxicity experience increased anxiety.
Anxiety, depression, apathy, relationship withdrawal, paranoia, racing mind and negative thoughts... these are all quite commonly seen with copper toxicity.
Sequentially, you get higher and higher and higher levels of copper concentration, which now will affect brain capacity, processing, and thinking and make anxiety and depression worse"
Dr. Albert Mensah
Copper gets tightly stored in body tissue.
It's not only GABA however. Far from it. If the body isn’t able to efficiently metabolize and regulate its copper level, then the excess copper ends up getting stored in tissue. Under certain conditions such as high stress, exercise, or even overly aggressive detox approaches, copper leaks out of storage and enters the bloodstream. As that copper enters blood, it needs to be bound to a carrier protein, primarily one called ceruloplasmin. If copper is unbound (not attached to a carrier protein), it can wreak further havoc on the emotions, including promoting an adrenaline response likely to further increase anxiety and panic reactions.
Insomnia, increased fears and paranoia are common during the detox as the dumping of copper causes copper to enter the blood stream...If you're not prepared for the copper dump, you'll have unbearable insomnia, anxiety, panic attacks..."
Dr. Robert Selig
The "Calcium Shell" Effect and Relationships
There is also something known as the ‘calcium shell’. This is one of the effects of copper toxicity – a high build up of tissue calcium. The calcium shell can act as a protective response against overwhelming stress, however it does this by numbing down the emotions, even potentially a person’s awareness. The person might appear, or even express themselves as, dead emotionally. This can take a devastating toll on romantic relationships where the love and warmth that once existed seems to have completely and inexplicably vanished. I provide further education on the Calcium Shell within each of the 3 links mentioned above (the Handbook,, and Mineral Mastery).
Again, the connections to mood and emotions are numerous, far too many to address in this article. The above connections are just a few, to highlight the main point here that yes, indeed, copper can most definitely influence emotions. I would highly encourage anyone struggling with copper toxicity (and/or their partner(s)) to get a copy of The Complete Copper Toxicity Handbook as it explains these connections and many more in much more detail and clarity, along with cases and stories.
Most of those affected by copper toxicity are struggling with various emotional symptoms (anxiety, depression, apathy, withdrawal, panic, even varying degrees of psychosis at more extreme levels), and yet far too often in relationships, the affected partner is written off as just “being crazy”. Copper toxicity can end up being a major cause of relationship issues and breakups.
As excess copper and calcium increase in the cells and tissues, a calcium "shell" will build that will tend to block more and more feelings until the person no longer is aware of what is being felt and experienced. Such a person often talks of "not feeling anything" or being "numb" and "dead" emotionally. I would venture to say that divorce courts are loaded with people whose relationships were destroyed by copper toxicity. "
Dr. Richard Malter, PhD
Relationships are so often at the receiving end of copper toxicity. Sometimes it’s the copper toxic woman who breaks the relationship because she “no longer feels anything”, or negative ruminating thoughts about the relationship creep into her mind, certainly to the degree of "Relationship OCD", and sometimes to the degree of real paranoia. The suspicion and doubt, combined with a calcium shell, can easily lead one to break up with their partner...
... Just as often however, it’s the partner that ends up leaving because the relationship becomes too difficult, or they’re not able to handle the crazy behavior they're seeing. They don't understand it (and thus the importance of this letter). This lack of understanding is compounded when society and the medical world deny that copper (or a copper IUD) can affect emotions. Countless times a woman has gone to her doctor complaining of all the bizarre emotional things she’s feeling after getting her copper IUD inserted, begging to have it removed, and yet the common response from so many doctors is a mix of “there’s no such thing as copper toxicity… the IUD is non-hormonal, there’s no connection between your IUD and what you’re experiencing… it’s all in your head..etc etc..”. Such blatant ignorance is truly disgraceful and has contributed to so much needless suffering and patients being left in the dark as to what’s causing their symptoms. Though we've stopped counting many years ago, the Cases and Stories page here provides just a glimpse of the emotional and physical toll that the medical denial of copper toxicity has taken.
"I got the COPPER IUD - 3-6 months later I started feeling “different”... then my friends and family started to see a “Change” in me... WAIT... “ITS NON HORMONAL”...I've been to my doctor every 3 months since ...diagnosis “anxiety and stress” - multiple times I said “ITS MY IUD” - response “it’s non hormonal- there is no such thing as copper toxicity” ... “it’s not your IUD— we will test you for copper but we rarely do it because it’s not likely”...
DIAGNOSIS: ANXIETY. PRESCRIPTION: ANXIETY MEDS. I was screaming at this doctor to “PLEASE LISTEN TO ME” as a HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONAL MYSELF. One doctor was amazing and tried to find answers but still “it can’t be your IUD” ... the other doctors just pushed me aside.
Anna (Copper IUD user)
Choosing to Stay or Walk Away - A Test of Commitment
I often hear women, aware of how their emotions have changed since getting the copper IUD, being afraid of losing their partner who simply doesn’t understand what’s happening. I would suggest that this is an important test to see how much your partner truly cares for you, and how committed they are to the relationship. Let me share a quick personal story…
Most people are not aware that the vast majority of support and educational resources available today for copper toxicity stem from a love story and the personal experience of this author. My partner fell into copper toxicity a few months into her copper IUD, and the resulting adrenal burnout, calcium shell, "voices", and paranoia utterly destroyed our otherwise deeply loving, timeless relationship, and tore apart the beautiful family we were raising at the time. With indescribable and enduring agony, I “lost” her for 7 long years, and yet, never once did I give up on her. Instead of walking away, I chose to go deep into research and advocacy work, over the years helping to improve global education on copper toxicity and accessibility to support resources. That was my one and only way of "being there" for her. Those years of research and dedication led to the creation of the world's leading copper toxicity support and education website, and then subsequently working with thousands of copper toxic clients in clinical practice, developing the MineralMastery course to provide the most in-depth education on copper toxicity available, going on to mentor and instruct thousands of practitioners in the field today so they can now offer copper toxicity support, being asked to provide expertise for international research projects and institutes, authoring The Complete Copper Toxicity Handbook, plus developing all the other support options at It was an exhausting journey, but in the end it led to my love and I reuniting in good health years later, with millions supported globally in the process.
So, if you’re reading this as the one dealing with copper toxicity and your partner simply gives up because they can’t be bothered to learn more or support you through a rough patch, that’s ultimately a measure of their dedication, and you deserve more than someone who’d rather walk away than offer you support and understanding when you need it most. Likewise, if your partner is there sticking by you, learning this information so they can support you, you've got a good one!😉
The Importance of Your Support in Providing (and Guiding) Clear Messaging
Healing does happen, though it’s not an overnight journey. It often does takes months, or sometimes years. Given the continued denial of copper toxicity in the mainstream, you reading this article and exploring the various educational resources that have been developed over the years can often be the most important thing you can do for the person you care about. As mentioned at the outset of this letter, it’s often your support they need most. And this is, in part, because…
…With copper toxicity, brain fog is extremely common. This underscores all the more that they may need to rely on you to provide them the education and guidance. Reading research articles can be extremely difficult for the copper toxic individual struggling with mental focus and computer screens. Equally important is helping them navigate an ever-growing plethora of misinformation online, including within a couple of the largest copper toxicity "support" groups on social media. Learning the complex nuances of copper toxicity (and the history behind its suppression) can help avoid falling victim to so many of the erroneous messages and suggestions that flood such groups and have many times led people further astray in their healing. It therefore may be up to you, their partner or caregiver, to help them discern fact and science from all the landmines of misinformation that exist.
8 Ways You Can Support Your Partner / Loved One:
Understand that they are not themselves during this time (what they’re exhibiting is not their true self).
Though their emotions may seem odd, flat, unpredictable, and difficult for you to navigate, they too are struggling with those emotional changes. Offering love, space, and gentle support will be a lot more productive than accusations, judgment, or even efforts that aim to “fix them”. As much as you want to, you can’t “fix” anyone. This is their healing journey, and your simple understanding and support is worth gold. Support, without pushing.
Learn, for yourself, as much as you can.
There is no shortage of information and education on this topic. The most complete library of learning resources is available at The Complete Copper Toxicity Handbook is an invaluable resource for those affected and their partners - everyone affected should have that book. The Mineral Mastery course, the video support library featuring interviews with leading experts, the free site, plus all the other books written on this topic which are also listed at - there is so much information and guidance available. Learning is the only way to really reach a deeper understanding that can bring both peace of mind to yourself, and support to your partner.
Support them in reducing stressors.
If there’s something very stressful going on in their life at the moment (beyond their health), look for ways to ease that burden for them. Being in a high stress state is not conducive to healing, and in fact that alone can amplify their symptoms and reactions. If there's a big project they're currently working on, can it possibly be delayed? Are you able to help with meals, or help them keep their place clean? The more that can be taken off their plate of things to do and worry about, the easier (and potentially faster) their recovery. Is there anything you can do to help reduce their load and, in turn, their stress response system?
Encourage them to get properly tested.
All too often, even among those who realize they’ve changed after getting the copper IUD, the assumption is that high copper is THE only problem. It rarely is, however. Copper accumulation is a catalyst that contributes to multiple other imbalances, and those other imbalances also need to be considered and addressed. Facebook groups have helped fuel the erroneous idea that people with copper toxicity just need to detox all their copper, and this is not at all how it works. Furthermore, having worked with thousands of clients over the years, there are many who come to me strongly believing they have copper toxicity but, upon testing, it's discovered their biggest imbalance(s) are something entirely different (or equally important). Assumptions are dangerous – proper testing eliminates the guesswork. The word proper is emphasized, because the wrong type of test can lead to devastating consequences. For example, a blood test that shows "normal" copper is often interpreted to mean there is NO copper toxicity. Excess copper is stored in tissue, however, not blood, and that’s why the HTMA test (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis) is so invaluable. Yet, this test gets dismissed by those who don't understand it, further holding back the greater acceptance of copper toxicity. Even with HTMA, there are many forms of “hair analysis” on the market, and not all are suitable for the purpose of understanding copper toxicity (including even some hair analysis tests which include testing for copper!). People commonly order the wrong type of hair analysis, wrongly interpret the results, and then complain that hair analysis doesn't work. With HTMA especially, as important a test as it is, it’s imperative to have professional, personalized interpretation of the results that view things within the context of the individual and a comprehensive health history. TEI and ARL are the recommended labs for testing, while is a leader in personalized HTMA testing and interpretation.
"Copper Toxicity affects all aspects of your life, but with the proper diet, supplements & support system you will get your life back. I encourage all of you to have an HTMA test and reach out to Rick Fischer for guidance. It saved my quality of life and for that, I am eternally grateful."
~Joanie A
Alert them to the pitfalls of Facebook.
As alluded to above, a few FB groups have actually added to the confusion surrounding copper toxicity. The biggest of these “copper toxicity support” groups has, for years, allowed the continual flow of misinformation to fill the feed, rather than help direct members to any of the professional education and support resources available at This is showcased in the fact that most members have been left unaware that any of these various support resources exist, despite all the countless attempts over the years to provide this information to members. Expert posts have been blocked, or simply left ignored to get buried in the continuing feed of comments such as “I can’t find support anywhere out there on this, no one’s talking about this”... "does anyone know if copper toxicity causes ___", etc. Even more damaging towards the efforts of providing the public with clear information on copper toxicity, many of the suggestions provided in those groups promote the very same MYTHS that keep copper toxicity misunderstood, off the radar, and hold back people's healing in the first place! Some find the help and answers they need, but many others end up getting misled.
It's natural for new members joining these groups to think they've hit the goldmine of support. Yet, as I explain within The Complete Copper Toxicity Handbook, the groups' fostering of anxiety and confusion creates a psychosomatic response that ends up holding back the healing of many. As one of the world’s leading experts and educators on copper toxicity, and working closely alongside other pioneering experts, the single biggest frustration BY FAR in bringing clarity to this topic is the chaos and confusion being spread in certain FB groups that we have to compete with. What such groups DO offer is a place where those affected find validation of their symptoms when they realize that they’re not alone – a sense of community - and that can most definitely be positive and offer a person comfort. It's comforting to know that one is not alone. However, a community alone is not enough, especially one that has no clear direction. Even a group, no matter how large, without clear guidance, can easily become lost.
My experience across thousands of clients is that those who are most successful in their healing are usually not the ones spending time frequenting those FB groups. On the one hand, it’s natural for people to want to “look on FB” to find a support group, and then are comforted when they find a group with tens of thousands of others going through similar. However, all the panic and confusion can greatly distract from succeeding with a clear detox and healing plan. Simply put, the energy of chaos feeds anxiety and stress, and that is not an environment conducive to healing.
There is the expert-led FB group however, created to combat the disinformation in the other groups and provide clarity. Unfortunately, it has had to compete with the snowballing numbers of people joining the larger groups. However for those wanting to find calm on social media amidst the storm, that expert-guided education-focused group is there to provide professionalism and clarity.
Help them avoid "one-size-fits-all" messaging
While certain generalizations can be made about copper toxicity and how to address it, there is a lot of caution needed with "one-size-fits-all" advice. Whether it's some one-size-fits-all detox protocol, or suggestions to "just take zinc (or some other magic supplement)" offered in a large group setting (ie: social media) where the person giving advice doesn't know the full background of the other person's health history - such suggestions warrant a lot of caution, and in many cases they could backfire. As well-intentioned as such suggestions surely are, 50mg of zinc for example, which may help one person, could completely send another person over the edge. This has happened on many an occasion where a person took zinc because someone else in the group had success with it and suggested taking it, and it caused the other person severe reactions. Even something as basic as magnesium, milk thistle for the liver, or Vitamin D should still never be advised blindly, as for some people those supplements could make things worse.
General suggestions for addressing copper toxicity are provided here, and in even more detail within The Complete Copper Toxicity Handbook. However, ultimately, each person should be looked at (and treated) as an individual, by a professional, and with suggestions given only after proper testing and evaluation is done.
Have them work with someone professionally trained in addressing copper toxicity.
While of course it’s possible to heal oneself without the guidance of a professional (and people are doing so all the time), nonetheless working with a professional can certainly help speed up the process. Detoxing, especially from something like copper toxicity, is generally not a do-it-yourself process. While addressing copper toxicity and associated mineral imbalances is the work I specialize in, there are other well-versed practitioners out there as well – some a lot more credible and experienced than others. If you’re looking for a practitioner to support you with copper toxicity, this page provides a lot of important pointers and questions to ask. This can help you in determining who’s truly qualified, versus others who are just out there soliciting their services trying to gain clients.
Show them patience
It's easy to become discouraged and frustrated if the partner you once knew is acting distant, irritable, and different. Remind yourself that this is not who they normally are, nor are they looking at you the way they normally would. They're likely struggling with varying degrees of brain fog, depression, racing thoughts, mood changes, and trying to make sense of what they're seeing - all through a biochemical veil blurring their true essence. This experience will most certainly test your patience, and your bond. Yet, being supportive and understanding requires you to have patience. Do not expect them to change overnight. For most, this is a journey of many months, in some cases, years. With the right support though, you can help them get through this faster. Not by pushing them or rushing them to change on your schedule, but by having patience and being there for them with love, educated guidance, and unwavering support for as long as they need to navigate this journey.
In closing, the importance of learning cannot be over-emphasized enough. This is where it all begins, for you to not only better understand what your partner / loved one is going through, but also in being able to help them better navigate their options as they work to return to the health and person they (and you) once knew.
If you're struggling with copper toxicity, or your partner/loved one is, I encourage you to reach out for support. You're not alone. I provide the Internet's most comprehensive library of copper toxicity support and learning resources at, along with a full menu of HTMA services including testing, consultation, and in-depth personalized programs.
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We're home to the leading copper toxicity education & support resources
Since 2014, the #1 website for copper toxicity education, awareness, and support.
The Complete Copper Toxicity Handbook
Bringing together the past 50 years of copper toxicity research, this seminal book brings vital clarity to copper toxicity and a clear roadmap for healing.
Mineral Mastery
The original home-study course at the forefront of mineral-based health education, including a special focus on copper toxicity and detoxing. For practitioners and everyday individuals alike, this is an education that truly empowers students to connect the dots and find answers when it comes to health.
Full Copper Toxicity Support Library
The largest collection of professional support resources for copper toxicity, along with industry-leading HTMA support packages and consultation.
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